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Halloween Hacks with Skylark+Owl

Halloween Hacks with Skylark+Owl

In need of a last-minute Halloween costume? All you need is an old bedsheet.

It’s almost Halloween, and that means it’s also almost time for the frantic scramble to pick up the right costume… only to realize that your local Halloween store is sold out of pretty much, well, everything.

Sound about right?!

Here’s the thing, though — you don’t need to hit up every Halloween store in a 50-mile radius. We promise. All you need? An old bedsheet. That’s it!

Here are 3 easy-peasy, inexpensive ideas you can try out for a Halloween costume: a bedsheet ghost, a Grecian god or goddess or a mummy. Hello, Halloween!


The oldest trick in the book? A good ole’ bedsheet ghost. This DIY Halloween costume is especially perfect for kiddos, but is also a great pick for an easy costume answering the door and handing out candy. All you need to do is drape a bedsheet over your head, mark out holes for the eyes and cut them out. Truly — that’s it. If you want to really level up your bedsheet ghost costume, you can add some additional decoration or layer it with something like lace or netting for an extra touch.


If you’re looking for an easy Halloween costume that doesn't require you to actually destroy a bedsheet, look no further than a Greek god or goddess. You’ll want to fold your bedsheet around like a toga, using safety pins or clothespins to hold it up. This one requires a little extra work outside of the bedsheet toga, but it doesn’t have to be anything complicated — just wear a white shirt underneath, and hit up your local craft store for a flower crown. Voila!


Looking for something a little spookier than a ghost or goddess? Enter: a mummy costume. Tear or cut up your bedsheet and wrap it around yourself to create a relatively realistic mummy costume. Plus, if you’re really invested, consider dirtying up the torn sheet to really drive home the Halloween factor.


Now, once your Halloween costume is ready, we say you treat yourself to new bedding — no tricks needed! Plus, make it one so nice that you won’t ever want to recycle it into a Halloween costume ever again, okay?!

Explore our sheet set collections here.

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